
My Miracle on Mt. Shasta

Are you at a crossroads in your life and don’t know where to turn?
Do you feel lost with no roadmap to help you find your way?
Do you even know what your destination in life is now?
Would you like a compass than can help guide you to where you want to be?
A true story, “My Miracle on Mount Shasta”, takes the reader on a personal journey of the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges that happen when you believe that these might be your last days on earth. In the book, you will walk with the author as he experiences what seems to be his last days alive on Earth alone….with no hope of connecting with anyone.
How would you feel if you thought your days were numbered and you were totally alone?
More than just a survival story, My Miracle on Mount Shasta addresses the question of what part our “individual will” really plays in determining the outcome of our lives…….. or do we need to sometimes just surrender to something greater than ourselves?
This is an amazing book, for many reasons. A true story about being stranded while climbing Mount Shasta would have been compelling on its own, but the author takes it to the next level by asking readers to reflect on the various kinds of struggles we have encountered in our own lives and how we overcame them. It is written with honesty, integrity, and a soul-deep desire to help people discover what is really important in their lives. After reading this book, you are bound to look at the world around you through new eyes!

Christian Dating for Women Over 40

Many Christian divorced women feel stuck in their dating life. Depending on their previous marriage and divorce, they may be overly cautious and guarded around dating, since they don’t want to be hurt again. It may seem like the “playing field” has gotten smaller since they were last single and all the good Godly men taken. They may be re-entering the Christian dating scene after a long absence and find that it can be a “minefield” out there with a lot “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. The rules have changed since they last dated and it can be confusing about where to even start. Many churches don’t have the resources to adequately support the needs of the growing divorced population, since they focus on marriage and family. This book provides a proven roadmap to help you navigate the critical stages of dating “God’s way” to achieve healthy and positive results. It also points out the common mines in the minefield of Christian dating and provides tools to avoid them minimizing the possibility of another heartache.
If you’re serious about changing your dating life, this book will provide you with the following benefits: