
Christian Dating Coaching

Dating as a Christian single has its own unique challenges, such as managing sexual chemistry, the decision to re-marry or not and finding a compatible God-centered partner.
The longing of your heart is to be with someone who sees and treats you as God does in human form. But sometimes, we end up in relationships that don’t reflect God’s love at all, or we put the walls up and don’t know even where to start in dating God’s way. Blaine provides you with tools and strategies to overcome these challenges and find the person God wants you to be with. He has been helping Christian singles transform their dating lives for more than 10 years, through seminars, keynote speeches, and individual & group coaching.
Blaine has developed a roadmap of the 9 key stages of dating that take you from preparing to date again all the way to a successful marriage engagement. No matter where you are at in the dating process, Blaine can coach you on effectively navigating the dating roadmap God’s way, while enjoying the journey along the way. He will help you create your own personal dating strategy customized to your personality, preferences and goals. Individual coaching sessions are held over the telephone and are generally 50 minutes in length, unless arranged otherwise in advance.