Recent Posts by Blaine Carman

Chemistry of Love Part II of II If you’re a woman, do you sometimes wonder why the man in your life responds so differently than you do to stress or even to the things that make you happy?  Do you sometimes wonder where the tendency for your man to “fix things” (including your “problems”) comes from?   For men, do you sometimes wonder why the woman in...
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The Chemistry of Love-Part I of II

We’ve all seen it in the movies. The couple walks along the beach at sunset….they embrace and then, when the man looks into the woman’s eyes, they both feel this electricity between them. There’s almost a “glow” around them. All of the sudden, the things they each have been worrying about seem so small and the future seems so bright. One or both of them...
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4 Key’s to Re-kindle the Spark in Your Marriage or “Couple-ship”

4 Key’s to Re-kindle the Spark in Your Marriage or “Couple-ship”

How do you feel when you wake up on Monday morning after a weekend with your spouse or significant other? Are you ready to greet the world with a fresh, re-vitalized outlook, ready to take on the new week? And when you look at your spouse or partner, are you grateful...

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